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Same-Day Orders for Today, 12/02/Wed still available! Click [Here] or Call Us on 09-307-1333
Same-Day Orders for Today, 12/02/Wed still available! Click [Here] or Call Us on 09-307-1333



Option 1: Anytime Between '10AM-7PM' (priced),
Option 2: Anytime 'BEFORE' 10:30am (additional),
Option 3: Anytime 'BEFORE' 12:30pm (additional),
Option 4: Anytime 'BEFORE' 2:30pm (additional),
Option 5: Anytime 'BEFORE' 4:30pm (additional),
Option 6: Anytime Between '5:00pm - 6:30pm' (additional),
Option 7: Anytime Between '7:00pm - 8:30pm' (additional), 
Option 8: Anytime Between '9:00pm - 10:30pm' (additional), and
Option 9: Anytime Between '11:00pm - 12:30am' (additional).



A Auckland Airport ($30), Albany ($25), Albany Heights ($30), Alfriston ($40), Ardmore ($45), Auckland CBD ($15), Avondale ($25),

B Bayswater ($25), Bayview ($30), Beach Haven ($30), Belmont ($25), Birkdale ($25), Birkenhead ($20), Blockhouse Bay ($30), Botany Downs ($30), Browns Bay ($30), Bucklands Beach ($35), Burswood ($25), 

C Campbells Bay ($25), Castor Bay ($25), Chatswood ($20), Clendon Park ($40), Clover Park ($35), Coatesville ($45), Cockle Bay ($40), Conifer Grove ($40), 

D Dairy Flat ($45), Dannemora ($30), Devonport ($25),  

E East Tamaki ($30), East Tamaki Heights ($30), Eastern Beach ($35), Eden Terrace ($10), Ellerslie ($25), Epsom ($20),

F Fairview Heights ($30), Farm Cove ($25), Favona ($25), Flat Bush ($35), Forrest Hill ($25), Freemans Bay ($10), 

G Glen Eden ($35), Glen Innes ($30), Glendene ($30), Glendowie ($30), Glenfield ($25), Golflands ($35), Goodwood Heights ($35), Grafton ($15), Green Bay ($40), Greenhithe ($30), Greenlane ($20), Grey Lynn ($10),

H Half Moon Bay ($30), Hauraki ($20), Henderson ($30), Henderson Valley ($40), Herald Island ($40), Herne Bay ($15), Highland Park ($25), Hillcrest ($25), Hillsborough ($25), Hobsonville ($30), Howick ($35), Huapai ($40), Huntington Park ($30), 

K Karaka Lakes ($45), Kelston ($35), Kingsland ($10), Kohimarama ($30), Kumeu ($40),

L Long Bay ($40), Lynfield ($35),

M Mairangi Bay ($25), Mangere ($25), Mangere Bridge ($25), Mangere East ($25), Manukau ($30), Manurewa ($40), Massey ($30), Massey West ($30), Meadowbank ($25), Mellons Bay ($35), Milford ($25), Mission Bay ($25), Mission Heights ($40), Morningside ($15), Mount Albert ($20), Mount Eden ($20), Mount Roskill ($25), Mount Wellington ($25), Murrays Bay ($25),  

N Narrow Neck ($25), New Lynn ($30), New Windsor ($25), Newmarket ($15), Newton ($10), Northcross ($30), Northcote ($20), Northcote Point ($20), Northpark ($30), 

O Onehunga ($25), One Tree Hill ($25), Orakei ($20), Otahuhu ($25), Otara ($30), Oteha ($25), 

P Pakuranga ($25), Pakuranga Heights ($25), Panmure ($25), Papakura ($44), Papatoetoe ($30), Parnell ($15), Penrose ($25), Pinehill ($25), Point Chevalier ($20), Point England ($25), Ponsonby ($10),  

R Randwick Park ($40), Ranui ($40), Remuera ($20), Riverhead ($40), Rosedale ($25), Rothesay Bay ($30), Royal Heights ($30), Royal Oak ($25), 

S Saint Heliers ($30), Saint Johns ($25), Saint Mary's Bay ($10), Sandringham ($20), Schnapper Rock ($25), Shamrock Park ($35), Shelly Park ($40), Somerville ($35), Stanley Point ($25), Stonefields ($25), Sunnyhills ($25), Sunnynook ($25), Sunnyvale ($40), Swanson ($40), 

T Takanini ($40), Takapuna ($20), Tamaki ($25), Te Atatu Peninsula ($25), Te Atatu South ($25), Three Kings ($25), Titirangi ($39.50), The Gardens ($40), Torbay ($35), Totara Heights ($40), Totara Park ($39.50), Totara Vale ($25), 

U Unsworth Heights ($25), 

W Waiake ($30), Wairau Valley ($25), Wai O Taiki Bay ($30), Waterview($25), Wattle Downs ($40), Wesley ($25), West Harbour ($30), Western Heights ($40), Western Springs ($15), Westgate ($30), Westmere ($15), Whenuapai ($40), Whitford ($45), Windsor Park ($25), Wiri ($35).


  • HOSPITAL - If sending to a 'Hospital', please advise us whether the recipient is a patient or a staff member. If it is for a patient, please specify the correct Room Number (if known), Ward, Building, Hospital Name and Patient's Full Name. Also, please double check on her/his/their admission date and discharge date so that no delivery gets left unattended at the hospital (we had a few cases where the wrong date was selected and the patients have already been discharged - extra delivery costs incurred for the sender). 
  • BUSINESS - If sending to an 'Office', please advise us the correct business name, floor level, building name/number (if known), and recipient's phone number. Also, please double check if the recipient is going to work on your delivery date (we had a lot of cases where the birthday person have their day-off, the sender was not aware but still sending it to the workplace. The recipient has to come to work to collect it on her/his day-off, or another delivery costs incurred by the sender, or left the delivery gifts unattended in the office). If sending to a 'Shop'', please advise us the correct shop/business name, shop number, floor level (if necessary), building name/number (if known) and the recipient's phone number. Also, please double check if the recipient is working on your delivery date (cases as mentioned above).
  • RESIDENTIAL - If sending to a 'Home', please advise us the correct unit number/room number (multi-dwelling or apartment), street number, extra information if the tenant has a separate entrance (not the main entrance of the house), and the recipient's phone number (we don't really want to leave your thoughtful gifts at her/his entrance on a rainy/windy day).
  • HOTEL / ACCOMMODATION - If sending to an 'Accommodation' facility, please advise us whether the recipient is a guest or a staff member. If it is for a guest, please mention the full name the reservation is made under, and the room number (if known). To avoid disappointment, please advise the concierge about the delivery plan.
  • We are not responsible for any additional costs incurred and/or quality of the delivery items on all 'surprise' delivery orders!